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Pre-Purchase Evaluations

Let the experts take a look!

If you are buying a used vehicle, you will want to know if it is worth the price you are paying. A reputable seller should allow you to have the vehicle evaluated by your own mechanic. 

At Harrell & Beverly Transmissions & Auto Repair, we offer a comprehensive pre-purchase evaluation service to help you make an informed decision. Our skilled technicians will conduct a thorough inspection of the vehicle, checking for any potential issues or hidden problems that could cost you time and money down the road.


From examining the engine and transmission to assessing the brakes, suspension, and electrical systems, we leave no stone unturned in our evaluation process. With our detailed inspection report in hand, you'll have peace of mind knowing the true condition of the vehicle you're considering purchasing.

Vehicles in a lot at Harrell & Beverly.

Don't take chances when it comes to buying a used car – trust the experts at Harrell & Beverly to provide you with a comprehensive pre-purchase evaluation.

Proceed with caution if a dealer will not allow you a 24-hour test drive or 30-day money back guarantee.

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